
PySide application crashes when setting a new widget to QScrollArea

PySide application crashes when setting a new widget to QScrollArea Question: This is a simplification of an application I wrote. The application’s main window has a button and a checkbox. The checkbox resides inside a QScrollArea (via a widget). The checkbox has a number stating how many times that checkbox was created. Clicking on the …

Total answers: 1

PyQt: How to make widget scrollable

PyQt: How to make widget scrollable Question: I am trying to make my QGroupBox scrollable once it grows higher than 400px. The contents in the QGroupBox are generated using a for-loop. This is an example of how it was done: mygroupbox = QtGui.QGroupBox(‘this is my groupbox’) myform = QtGui.QFormLayout() labellist = [] combolist = [] …

Total answers: 1

Scrolling in QScrollArea pyqt

Scrolling in QScrollArea pyqt Question: How can I auto scroll for the scroll area? For example, when there is a new update instead of the view of the scroll area staying the same, I want to go down with the new text. Think of it as in a CMD console, when you type a command …

Total answers: 2