
Random dont chose 8 character words

Random dont chose 8 character words Question: I used random module in my ptoject. Im not a programmer, but i need to do a script which will create a randomized database from another database. In my case, I need the script to select random words lined up in a column from the "wordlist.txt" file, and …

Total answers: 1

How do I change 2 random variables out of 4?

How do I change 2 random variables out of 4? Question: I need to change the value of two random variables out of four to ‘—’. How do I do it with maximum effectiveness and readability? Code below is crap just for reference. from random import choice a = 10 b = 18 c = …

Total answers: 6

Do I use random randint or random choice to random click on the list?

Do I use random randint or random choice to random click on the list? Question: For the picture below, I wish to perform an automation testing which is random click on the items and save it. Is this consider as a list? Selenium Python Asked By: Carl Carl || Source Answers: Use the one that …

Total answers: 1

To add and remove random letters to/from each word in a given string

To add and remove random letters to/from each word in a given string Question: The following code generates random typos: # https://stackoverflow.com/a/51080546 import string import random phrase = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, lorem ipsum." # probability for a word to change p = 0.8 new_phrase = [] words = phrase.split(‘ ‘) for word in …

Total answers: 1

How can i set a variable full of numbers into a list?

How can i set a variable full of numbers into a list? Question: I have a csv file and managed to get access to it and just get the 6th element of each row into a var (buys). Now, I want to take these numbers in buys into a new list to take afterwards a …

Total answers: 3

Using SeedSequence to convert any random seed into a good seed

Using SeedSequence to convert any random seed into a good seed Question: In NumPy 1.17, the random module was given an overhaul. Among the new additions were SeedSequence. In the section about parallel random number generation in the docs, SeedSequence is said to ensure that low-quality seeds are turned into high quality initial states which …

Total answers: 1

np.random.choice with a big probabilities array

np.random.choice with a big probabilities array Question: I know that we can use a probability array for the choice function, but my question is how it works for big arrays. Let’s assume that I want to have 1 thousand random numbers between 0-65535. How can we define the probability array to have p=0.4 for numbers …

Total answers: 2

How to compare values in a list with a string?

How to compare values in a list with a string? Question: I want to create a script which should prevent equal sentences. Firstly, I thought that it was enough to just check if the previous and the current sentence are the same. But it turned out that no sentence should be duplicate. My first thought …

Total answers: 2

How to select random values from the list?

How to select random values from the list? Question: from random import Random from selenium import webdriver import time from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import Select driver = webdriver.Chrome(‘chromedriver’) driver.get(‘https://devbusiness.tunai.io/login’) time.sleep(2) driver.maximize_window() # Create variables for login credentials. username = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "loginUsername"); username.send_keys("kevin@tunai"); password = driver.find_element(By.NAME, …

Total answers: 2