
VOLTTRON: `python3 bootstrap.py` Does not install all packages

VOLTTRON: `python3 bootstrap.py` Does not install all packages Question: I am in the process of installing VOLTTRON on my raspberry Pi. I came across this VOLTTON installation video and followed the same steps. But my installation is running into some issues: On a Linux machine, as shown in the installation video: It installed all packages …

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Raspberry Pi No module named Plotly

Raspberry Pi No module named Plotly Question: I have installed plotly on the Raspberry Pi. The objective is connecting to a remote MySql database and plot interactive time-series plots (that would update as the new data arrives into the MySql database). But I am running into no module found even after installing it. Looks like …

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why, discord py sending PM with send_message erroring

why, discord py sending PM with send_message erroring Question: i’ve been trying for hours to get a fix for this issue from looking and hundreds of others overflow posts to documentation forums etc i cannot figure this out i’m trying to send an embed as a PM to the user specified in my function everything …

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Accessing multiple GPIO's from multiple Docker Containers

Accessing multiple GPIO's from multiple Docker Containers Question: I am running into an issue with Docker Containers and RPI4 GPIO. Everything works great if the containers are run by themselves. Ex. Container 1 runs and provides output and then I stop it, then I am able to start Container 2 it provides output and then …

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Can't open camera by index on Raspberry-pi4

Can't open camera by index on Raspberry-pi4 Question: So, i installed the official Raspberry-pi OS "Raspberry pi OS Lite 64" and installed OpenCV. But when trying to call cv2.VideoCapture(1) an error appears (i have USB camera): [ WARN:[email protected] ] global /io/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_v4l.cpp (902) open VIDEOIO(V4L2:/dev/video0): can’t open camera by index. My code: import cv2 cap = …

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(OpenCV , cv2) The cv2.error while capture the image through camera lens

(OpenCV , cv2) The cv2.error while capture the image through camera lens Question: Error (-215) size.width>0 && size.height>0 occurred when attempting to display an image using OpenCV I have the similar issue with this discussion, after I read it still don’t have clue for how to address mine,that I post my case here I use …

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Video written through OpenCV on Raspberry Pi not running

Video written through OpenCV on Raspberry Pi not running Question: I was working on saving live feed from USB webcam through opencv on Raspberry PI 4 B+ . Here is the code import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(”D’,’I’,’V’,’X”) out=cv2.VideoWriter(‘output.mp4’,fourcc,25,(640,480)) while True: ret, frame = cap.read() cv2.imshow(‘frame’, frame) out.write(frame) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF== ord(‘q’): break cap.release() …

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Install QtVirtualkeyboard in raspberry-pi?

Install QtVirtualkeyboard in raspberry-pi? Question: I am try to implement Qt-Virtualkeyboard in Raspberry- pi, using PyQt5 – Show virtual keyboard but I did’nt find the prefix path for it, bin, plugin etc folder, actually whole Qt folder doesn’t exist. Asked By: Peon || Source Answers: In my previous solution I used the Qt binaries officially …

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