
How to pull or read image in Django from AWS s3 bucket for OpenCV to process?

How to pull or read image in Django from AWS s3 bucket for OpenCV to process? Question: When user uploads images from (react as frontend) and django receives the images from static folder and begins to process those images and later user can download. Below is my django python code imagePath = os.path.commonprefix([‘images’]) #<——coming from …

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How to Hot-Reload in ReactJS Docker

How to Hot-Reload in ReactJS Docker Question: This might sound simple, but I have this problem. I have two docker containers running. One is for my front-end and other is for my backend services. these are the Dockerfiles for both services. front-end Dockerfile : # Use an official node runtime as a parent image FROM …

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How to send POST request to Django API from ReactJS web app?

How to send POST request to Django API from ReactJS web app? Question: I created a very simple Django API. It returns a fixed numeric value (just for testing purpose): from django.http import HttpResponse def index(request): return HttpResponse(0) I also have a simple front-end developed using React JS. To develop the backend and front-end, …

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Download file in react client from flask remote server

Download file in react client from flask remote server Question: I have a post fetch request coming from my React client to my remote Flask server like so: fetch(FETCH_URL, { method: ‘POST’, body: data, headers: { ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json’ } }).then((response) => { var a = response.body.getReader();{ done, value }) => { console.log(new TextDecoder(“utf-8”).decode(value)); } …

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Scrapy-splash not rendering dynamic content from a certain react-driven site

Scrapy-splash not rendering dynamic content from a certain react-driven site Question: I am curious to see if any splash can get the dynamic job content from this page – in order for splash to receive the URL fragment you have to use a SplashRequest. In order for it to handle the JS cookies I …

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How to execute python scripts from react-js?

How to execute python scripts from react-js? Question: I have a use case where I need to execute a local python script from the browser and display the output returned. I have written my web app using react-js. My current solution is to launch a local instance of a jupyter notebook (assuming the client is …

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How to use csrf_token in Django RESTful API and React?

How to use csrf_token in Django RESTful API and React? Question: I have previous experience in Django. If add line {csrf_token} in Django templates then Django handles the functionalities of csrf_token. But when I am trying to develop an API using Django REST Framework then I get stuck. How can I add and handle functionalities …

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How to validate a ReCaptcha response server side with Python?

How to validate a ReCaptcha response server side with Python? Question: I’d like to check a response from client generated using react-google-recaptcha in my Signup form. Unfortunately, I don’t see how to validate it server side with Python. I tried recaptcha-client :, but it seems that it’s expecting a response from a generated iframe …

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Serving a front end created with create-react-app with Flask

Serving a front end created with create-react-app with Flask Question: I have a Flask back-end with API routes which are accessed by a React single page application created using create-react-app. When using the create-react-app dev server, my Flask back end works. I would like to serve the built (using npm run build) static React app …

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How to set React to production mode when using Gulp

How to set React to production mode when using Gulp Question: I need to run React in production mode, which presumably entails defining the following somewhere in the enviornment: process.env.NODE_ENV = ‘production’; The issue is that I’m running this behind Tornado (a python web-server), not Node.js. I also use Supervisord to manage the tornado instances, …

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