
Keywords Must Be Strings When Passing Variable As Parameter

Keywords Must Be Strings When Passing Variable As Parameter Question: I’m trying to pass a variable as a keyword argument like this: @receiver(post_save, sender=BudgetTransaction) def create_forecasted(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): if instance.transaction_type == "EC": return True if created: today = instance.next_date last_day = date(today.year, 12, 31) this_month = today.month weeks_left = int((last_day – today).days / 7) …

Total answers: 1

Python 3.7 smtplib sendmail sends only to first recipient in list

Python 3.7 smtplib sendmail sends only to first recipient in list Question: I’ve gone through many SO posts and smtplib documentation, everything seems to be correct, but mail is sent to only first recipient in the list Note: I’m using Python3.7, I’ve tried from Python 2.6 also, In below case mail is getting delivered only …

Total answers: 1