
Creating relations between countries in neo4j using python

Creating relations between countries in neo4j using python Question: I need help with creating relations between countries in neo4j using python. I have a code, but in neo4j browser it doesn’t create relations. from neo4j import GraphDatabase driver = GraphDatabase.driver("neo4j://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "test")) def create_country(tx, name,continent,population_mln,govrm_system,bcountry):"CREATE (a:Country {name: $name,continent: $continent,population_mln: $population_mln,govrm_system:$govrm_system,bcountry: $bcountry})", name=name,continent=continent,population_mln=population_mln,govrm_system=govrm_system,bcountry=bcountry) with driver.session() …

Total answers: 2

How display categories in forms only for user who created this?

How display categories in forms only for user who created this? Question: I am creating app for control transaction (expense, income, budget). I want each user to be able to create their own spending categories and their own expenses. All expenses and categories created by a user are to be visible only to that user. …

Total answers: 1