
Python stops unexpectedly after 1 minute

Python stops unexpectedly after 1 minute Question: My Python program stops functioning after exactly 1 minute. Regardless of the code’s size, the program stops after exactly 1 minute. Here is some very simple code: import time seconds = 60 print(f"Trying to print ‘Hello’. Wait {seconds} seconds.") for second in range(1,seconds): time.sleep(1) print(f"{second}…") print("Hello") It first …

Total answers: 2

Send tasks to a Celery app on a remote server

Send tasks to a Celery app on a remote server Question: I have a server (Ubuntu Server) on the local network on ip address: This server is running RabbitMQ in docker. I defined a basic Celery app: from celery import Celery app = Celery( ‘tasks’, brocker=’pyamqp://<username>:<password>@localhost//’, backend=’rpc://’, ) @app.task def add(x, y): return x …

Total answers: 2

CreateProcessW failed error:2 ssh_askpass: posix_spawn: No such file or directory Host key verification failed, jupyter notebook on remote server

CreateProcessW failed error:2 ssh_askpass: posix_spawn: No such file or directory Host key verification failed, jupyter notebook on remote server Question: So I was following a tutorial to connect to my jupyter notebook which is running on my remote server so that I can access it on my local windows machine. These were the steps that …

Total answers: 6

Django file upload with FTP backend

Django file upload with FTP backend Question: I want to upload my files based on the example Need a minimal Django file upload example, however I want to store the files not locally, but on another server with the use of FTP. I have been trying to get this code to work, which looks simple …

Total answers: 3