
Django render third argument

Django render third argument Question: I am confused with Django renderring. I usually used context and dictionary in the third argument: return render(request,’zing_it/home.html’, context=my_playlists) However, in the code below the third argument used list name in strings and list name as a variable. Can you please help me to understand what is my_playlists (in strings) …

Total answers: 2

NameError: name 'glPushMatrix' is not defined

NameError: name 'glPushMatrix' is not defined Question: Try to run a test code for stable baselines gym import gym from stable_baselines3 import A2C env = gym.make("CartPole-v1") model = A2C("MlpPolicy", env, verbose=1) model.learn(total_timesteps=10_000) obs = env.reset() for i in range(100): action, _state = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) env.render() if done: obs = …

Total answers: 1

How to fix double output in python

How to fix double output in python Question: How do i fix a bug where Hello world! is printed twice? The output: {clear}Hello World! {clear}{clear}Hello World! The terminal is cleared [Finished in 3.4s] The code: messages = [] def render(): os.system("cls") for msg in messages: print(msg) def msg(message:str): messages.append(message) render() def clear(): messages = [] …

Total answers: 2

relation "django_plotly_dash_statelessapp" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "django_plotly_dash_statel

relation "django_plotly_dash_statelessapp" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS "__count" FROM "django_plotly_dash_statel Question: I am trying to deploy my Django app on render. But there is an error which I don’t understand what type of error is this.Please help to solve this error: ProgrammingError at /nickelpure/[relation "django_plotly_dash_statelessapp" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) …

Total answers: 1

Django – Reverse for '' not found. '' is not a valid view function or pattern name

Django – Reverse for '' not found. '' is not a valid view function or pattern name Question: I’m working on my project for a course and I’m totally stuck right now. I’m creating a website to sell products through paypal and the paypal return/cancel pages are not rendering properly. I’ve followed the examples in …

Total answers: 26

Rendering text with multiple lines in pygame

Rendering text with multiple lines in pygame Question: I am trying to make a game and I am trying to render a lot of text. When the text renders, the rest of the text goes off the screen. Is there any easy way to make the text go to the next line of the pygame …

Total answers: 11

Django Python: global name 'render' is not defined

Django Python: global name 'render' is not defined Question: I am getting an error in my Django project, and it looks like it’s coming from my file: from django.template.loader import get_template from django.template import Context from django.http import HttpResponse import datetime def get_date_time(request): now = return render(request, ‘date_time.html’, {‘current_date’: now}) Error: global name …

Total answers: 3