
Export styled dataframe to Excel (background color)

Export styled dataframe to Excel (background color) Question: I’m looking to generate an excel file from styled dataframes. Specifically I want to keep the background colors of cells. I can generate an excel file with df.to_excel() or, but the background color disappears along the way. Is there any way to keep the background color? …

Total answers: 1

How to create reports with Python SDK Api

How to create reports with Python SDK Api Question: I am trying to create reports with Python on dailymotion but I have error,According to my received error, renponse is empty. I don’t get it. I guess, My user coudln’t login to dailymotion. Please check error. {‘data’: {‘askPartnerReportFile’: None}, ‘errors’: [{‘message’: ‘Not authorized to access `askPartnerReportFile` …

Total answers: 1

Python (Datapane) : How to pass dynamic variables into a datapane report function

Python (Datapane) : How to pass dynamic variables into a datapane report function Question: I am working on a charting module where I can pass on dataframe and the module will create reports based on plots generated by calling few functions as mentioned below. I am using Altair for plotting and "Datapane" for creating the …

Total answers: 2

Pytest-html custom report

Pytest-html custom report Question: I’m using pytest to run my tests, and using pytest html to generate a report. i’m trying to show the errorskip message in cases of failure or skip in the report, using the value form call.excinfo.value. i notice that pytest_runtest_makereport is being called multiple times, for setup, call and teardown, and …

Total answers: 1

How to get the scrapy failure URLs?

How to get the scrapy failure URLs? Question: I’m a newbie of scrapy and it’s amazing crawler framework i have known! In my project, I sent more than 90, 000 requests, but there are some of them failed. I set the log level to be INFO, and i just can see some statistics but no …

Total answers: 9