
resample date end of month match with date from original dataframe

resample date end of month match with date from original dataframe Question: I have data that i want to resample use end of month based on original df but when i use df.resample(‘M’).last(). the end of month date that i got is different from original df. see the asterix marks. 2005-12-31 should be >> 2005-12-29. …

Total answers: 2

Dataframe Resample date value keeping 'prices'

Dataframe Resample date value keeping 'prices' Question: here a sample my dataframe : date début € / mois enerc € / mois edf 0 2021-04-01 40.86 8.46 1 2021-04-10 40.86 8.46 2 2021-04-16 33.69 8.46 3 2021-06-10 33.69 8.46 4 2021-08-01 37.71 9.35 5 2021-08-10 37.74 9.35 I want to resample date for daily rule, …

Total answers: 1

Pandas resampling data with bigger interval than a whole index range

Pandas resampling data with bigger interval than a whole index range Question: Situation I have the folowwing pandas timeseries data: date predicted1 2001-03-13 0.994756 2005-08-22 0.551661 2000-05-07 0.001396 I need to take into account a case of resampling into bigger interval than a 5 years, for e.g. 10 years: sample = data.set_index(pd.DatetimeIndex(data[‘date’])).drop(‘date’, axis=1)[‘predicted1′] sample.resample(’10Y’).sum() I …

Total answers: 1