
Shipping *.so and binaries while building RPM package

Shipping *.so and binaries while building RPM package Question: I have created a python application in which I would like to ship .so and some binary files in the final RPM package. After long reading I found a way to add binaries/ image and other data files in setup.py. Now, when I build an RPM …

Total answers: 3

setup.py examples?

setup.py examples? Question: After studying this page: http://docs.python.org/distutils/builtdist.html I am hoping to find some setup.py files to study so as to make my own (with the goal of making a fedora rpm file). Could the s.o. community point me towards some good examples? Asked By: jedierikb || Source Answers: Complete walkthrough of writing setup.py scripts …

Total answers: 8