
Python Error when installing ruamel.yaml package with pip

Python Error when installing ruamel.yaml package with pip Question: I am receiving an error when I want to install the ruamel.yaml package Here is the command: python –version;pip –version;pip install ruamel.yaml And the output: Python 2.7.10 pip 10.0.0 from /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/pip (python 2.7) Collecting ruamel.yaml Downloading (280kB) 100% |████████████████████████████████| 286kB 4.4MB/s Complete output from command …

Total answers: 2

Using ruamel.yaml, how can I make vars with NEWLINEs be multiline without quotes

Using ruamel.yaml, how can I make vars with NEWLINEs be multiline without quotes Question: I am generating YAML which serves as a protocol, and it contains some generated JSON inside of it. import json from ruamel import yaml jsonsample = { “id”: “123”, “type”: “customer-account”, “other”: “…” } myyamel = {} myyamel[‘sample’] = {} myyamel[‘sample’][‘description’] …

Total answers: 1