
Python appears to be passing then wrong object into a function

Python appears to be passing then wrong object into a function Question: Here is my code I am trying to run # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pydealer from pokerlib import HandParser from pokerlib.enums import Value, Suit class Player: def __init__(self, name: str, chips=500): = name self.hand = pydealer.Stack() self.fold = False self.matching_pot = …

Total answers: 2

Pytorch – mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (3328×13 and 9216×4096)

Pytorch – mat1 and mat2 shapes cannot be multiplied (3328×13 and 9216×4096) Question: I’m a beginner to pytorch and I’m trying to extract activations from 7 layers for the pre-trained alexnet model. Getting this error when trying to extract activations from the fc6 layer: image of the error Here is my code for looping over …

Total answers: 1

AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'response' |

AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'response' | Question: `import discord from discord.ext import commands import time import json import platform from discord import ui class MyModal(ui.Modal): added = ui.TextInput(label=’What did you add’, placeholder=’## What did you add…’, style=discord.TextStyle.long) removed = ui.TextInput(label=’What did you remove’, placeholder=’## What did you remove…’, style=discord.TextStyle.long) class Client(commands.Bot): client …

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Error "index out of range" when working with strings in a for loop in python

Error "index out of range" when working with strings in a for loop in python Question: I’m very new to python and I’m practicing different exercises. I need to write a program to decode a string. The original string has been modified by adding, after each vowel (letters ’a’, ’e’, ’i’, ’o’ and ’u’), the …

Total answers: 2

How to solve Mismatch between hwloc headers and library, using v1 headers with v2 library on Collab?

How to solve Mismatch between hwloc headers and library, using v1 headers with v2 library on Collab? Question: I’ve been using Gromacs on google Colab for more than a year. I’ve install the Gromacs using this method, it worked pretty smoothly but last night when I ran the cell it, it showed some wired …

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Solving 2D maze, how to avoid runtime error for hidden test case?

Solving 2D maze, how to avoid runtime error for hidden test case? Question: There are two test cases with this problem, the first test case is shown below and the second is a hidden test case that I still can’t access. The first test case works perfectly however the second test case is showing me …

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Quit function in python programming

Quit function in python programming Question: I have tried to use the ‘quit()’ function in python and the spyder’s compiler keep says me "quit" is not defined print("Welcome to my computer quiz") playing = input("Do you want to play? ") if (playing != "yes" ): quit() print("Okay! Let’s play :)") the output keep says me …

Total answers: 3

Calling the sklearn2pmml() function in Python 3.8 throws RuntimeError

Calling the sklearn2pmml() function in Python 3.8 throws RuntimeError Question: I’am trying to save my scikit learn logistic regression as pmml but get a RuntimeError: My code: from sklearn2pmml import sklearn2pmml from sklearn2pmml.pipeline import PMMLPipeline from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression pipe_pmml = PMMLPipeline(steps=[(‘mapper’, mapper), (‘estimator’, LogisticRegression(C = 0.01, penalty = ‘l1’, solver = ‘liblinear’, random_state = …

Total answers: 2

OpenCV: error: (-211:One of the arguments' values is out of range) The number of points in the view #0 is < 4 in function 'cvCalibrateCamera2Internal'

OpenCV: error: (-211:One of the arguments' values is out of range) The number of points in the view #0 is < 4 in function 'cvCalibrateCamera2Internal' Question: Why does this error occur: error: (-211:One of the arguments’ values is out of range) The number of points in the view #0 is < 4 in function ‘cvCalibrateCamera2Internal’ …

Total answers: 1

I have a problem with a code. I need to solve this error. Help me

I have a problem with a code. I need to solve this error. Help me Question: My code is in the picture How I solve this error? from sympy import * import math import numpy as np from scipy.misc import derivative x = Symbol (‘x’) f = x*sin*(x) *exp**(-x**2) derivative = f.diff(x) print(derivative) TypeError: unsupported …

Total answers: 1