
Read/capture packets larger than 65535 bytes with scapy

Read/capture packets larger than 65535 bytes with scapy Question: I am reading USBPcap files created in Wireshark with large, isochronous packets up to 494439 bytes. I am then trying to parse the packets in python with scapy. Unfortunately, scapy 2.4.3 defaults to ignoring bytes past the 65535th byte for packets greater than 65535 bytes. Is …

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PROBLEM WHILE USING SCAPY (Permission denied) Question: I am trying to make a simple network scanner in python3 which can scan whole devices on LAN. That’s when i heard about Scapy. However, whenever i try to run my program, it returns an error “PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied” Here’s my code: import scapy.all as scapy …

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How to read a packet TLS meta-data with scapy python

How to read a packet TLS meta-data with scapy python Question: How can I read TLS information (record length, record type…) from a packet using scapy. I have used load_layer(‘tls’) and I’m able to read some information when there is a single TLS record in a packet but when there is multiple TLS record in …

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TCP Traceroute in python

TCP Traceroute in python Question: I am writing a python script to perform ‘TCP Traceroute’. I learned scapy is a useful library to do this but I`m not getting the results I need. Can anyone help me resolve this? I want the python script to generate similar results as command line. I am using linux, …

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PyCharm does not import Scapy module

PyCharm does not import Scapy module Question: I am trying and failing to import scapy into python, which I have now been playing with for hours and all the google hits I get seem to make sense but when I try them – it fails. first off I am using python3 and have that nicely …

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PyCharm: Unresolved reference with Scapy

PyCharm: Unresolved reference with Scapy Question: I am working on a network tool that I write in python using scapy. As IDE I am using Pycharm. My Code works. So if I run it, everything works just as intended. My problem is that PyCharm is giving me some errors. It marks every use of IP, …

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Sending a UDP with scapy shows malformed in wireshark

Sending a UDP with scapy shows malformed in wireshark Question: If i try and send a UDP packet with python using scapy from scapy.all import * data= "hello" a = IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=1194)/Raw(load=data) send(a) It shows as both malformed and as the DNS protocol in wireshark Where am I going wrong? Asked By: Giovanni S || …

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Setting up BGP Layer Using Scapy

Setting up BGP Layer Using Scapy Question: I am trying to use Scapy to send packets that have a BGP layer I am currently stuck on a rudimentary part of this problem because I am unable to set up the BGP layer. I followed the instructions to set up the regular IP and TCP Layer. …

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Filter options for sniff function in scapy

Filter options for sniff function in scapy Question: I’m working on a scapy based tool where at a point I need to sniff a packet based on protocol and the ip address of the destination I’d like to know about the ways in which filter option in sniff() function can be used. I tried using …

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Scapy installation fails due to invalid token

Scapy installation fails due to invalid token Question: I have recently taken up learning networks, and I want to install scapy. I have downloaded the latest version (2.2.0), and have two versions of python on my computer- 2.6.1 and 3.3.2. My OS is windows 7 64 bit. After extracting scapy and navigating to the correct …

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