
Move models between Django (1.8) apps with required ForeignKey references

Move models between Django (1.8) apps with required ForeignKey references Question: This is an extension to this question: How to move a model between two Django apps (Django 1.7) I need to move a bunch of models from old_app to new_app. The best answer seems to be Ozan’s, but with required foreign key references, things …

Total answers: 10

How to move a model between two Django apps (Django 1.7)

How to move a model between two Django apps (Django 1.7) Question: So about a year ago I started a project and like all new developers I didn’t really focus too much on the structure, however now I am further along with Django it has started to appear that my project layout mainly my models …

Total answers: 11

What is your favorite solution for managing database migrations in django?

What is your favorite solution for managing database migrations in django? Question: I quite like Rails’ database migration management system. It is not 100% perfect, but it does the trick. Django does not ship with such a database migration system (yet?) but there are a number of open source projects to do just that, such …

Total answers: 8