
Is it possible to RECEIVE SMS texts using Azure Communication Services Python SDK?

Is it possible to RECEIVE SMS texts using Azure Communication Services Python SDK? Question: The Azure Communication Service Github repo says that the service has the capability to "Send and Receive SMS messages", But I only see "Send" functions in both Microsoft Docs ( and the Python SDK Github repo ( I don’t see anything …

Total answers: 1

azure python SDK retrieve backup items from recoverservices(backup)

azure python SDK retrieve backup items from recoverservices(backup) Question: I was told to move my bash script that reports on VM backup status, also reports VMs that are not being backed up to Azure automation account. I picked python since Automation Account doesn’t have bash and I have done python scripts before for system admin …

Total answers: 2

How o get the IP address of docker container using docker SDK for python?

How o get the IP address of docker container using docker SDK for python? Question: I am launching a container with network_mode = bridge, when I inspect the network container in the terminal I get the container IP address. docker inspect -f ‘{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}’ container_id However, I can’t get this IP address from the container …

Total answers: 3