
binary heap as tree structure searching algorithm

binary heap as tree structure searching algorithm Question: so i guess you are all fimilliar with a binary heap data structure if not.. Brilliant. org say i.e. a binary tree which obeys the property that the root of any tree is greater than or equal to (or smaller than or equal to) all its children …

Total answers: 2

Django Filter all fields of Model

Django Filter all fields of Model Question: i have a short Question. I’ve been working on a Inventory-System to use in my company. So i’m pretty new here and i’m not experienced with Django. To filter the items, i made a simple search bar, where you can search for items. The filter looks like this: …

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Python regex match user input to element in list

Python match user input to element in list Question: I am trying to match user input to an element in the list. The goal is to allow the user to not type the whole name for the element because there are elements longer than 30 characters: the result must contain all the characters in the …

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Recursive function to search for a substring, ignoring punctuation, but retruning the indexes of the substring, including punctuation

Recursive function to search for a substring, ignoring punctuation, but retruning the indexes of the substring, including punctuation Question: I am trying, but struggling, to write an algorithm that checks if a substring exists in a piece of text. The piece of text can include punctuation, but only alphanumeric characters should be considered when searching …

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What would be the regex pattern for the following?

What would be the regex pattern for the following? Question: I have multiple regex strings in format:- Example: A=’AB.224-QW-2018′ B=’AB.876-5-LS-2018′ C=’AB.26-LS-18′ D=’AB-123-6-LS-2017′ E=’IA-Mb-22L-AB.224-QW-2018-IA-Mb-22L’ F=’ZX-ss-12L-AB-123-6-LS-2017-BC-22′ G=’AB.224-2018′ H=”AB.224/QW/2018′ I=”AB/224/2018′ J=’AB-10-HDB-231-NCLT-1-2017 AD-42-HH-2019′ K=”AB-1-HDB-NCLT-1-2016 AD-42-HH-2020′ L=’AB-1-HDB-NCLT-1-2016/(AD-42-HH-2020) I want a regex pattern to get the output for the numbers that occur after the alphabets(that appear at the start) as well …

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Graph search, how to stop searching when the value is found?

Graph search, how to stop searching when the value is found? Question: I’m in trouble with this two Graph Search codes. What I want to do is to implement a way to stop searching for the value when it is found, instead of keep searching all nodes long. Could someone give me a hand with …

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Python Code to Retrieve Records of Exact Phrase/String for a Google Search Query

Python Code to Retrieve Records of Exact Phrase/String for a Google Search Query Question: There’s a similar question but it is not answered. I am trying to retrieve a list of URL links for the EXACT phrase/string in a Google search query with python code. I do not want search results or URL links of …

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No id in Amazon search result page to find with selenium

No id in Amazon search result page to find with selenium Question: I am using the following python code: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from selenium import webdriver from import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options from import expected_conditions as EC from import Select from import By from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException import re …

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Flask and Jinja template throwing error: object of type 'Cursor' has no len()

Flask and Jinja template throwing error: object of type 'Cursor' has no len() Question: I have looked at similar errors but I can not see how they are being fixed unfortunately. I am very new to Flask (Python in general). I built a little search function for my database and the search works. Unless there’s …

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