
Convert column to Numpy within a select statement in Polars

Convert column to Numpy within a select statement in Polars Question: I am trying to transform a date column to the next business day after each date (if the date isn’t already a business day in which case it remains unchanged). To do this I am using a Numpy function called busday_offset which takes a …

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pandas fill a dataframe according to column and row value operations

pandas fill a dataframe according to column and row value operations Question: Let’s say that I have this dataframe: ,,,,,, ,,2.0,,,, ,2.0,,2.23606797749979,,, ,,2.23606797749979,,,2.0, ,,,,,2.23606797749979, ,,,2.0,2.23606797749979,, ,,,,,, I would like to get a two dimensional vector with values of the indexes and the columns of each element which is not nan. For example, in this case, …

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How to select random values from the list?

How to select random values from the list? Question: from random import Random from selenium import webdriver import time from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys from import By from import WebDriverWait from import Select driver = webdriver.Chrome(‘chromedriver’) driver.get(‘’) time.sleep(2) driver.maximize_window() # Create variables for login credentials. username = driver.find_element(By.NAME, "loginUsername"); username.send_keys("kevin@tunai"); password = driver.find_element(By.NAME, …

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selenium python element select from dropdown menu

selenium python element select from dropdown menu Question: Trying to select multiple elements from dropdown menu via selenium in python. Website from URL. But Timeoutexception error is occurring. I have tried Inspect menu from GoogleChrome. //label[@for="inputGenre"]/parent::div//select[@placeholder="Choose a Category"] gives exactly the select tag that I need. But unfortunately, with selenium I cannot locate any element …

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how to define selection condition in regex in python

how to define selection condition in regex in python Question: I am having a string in which some binary numbers are mentioned. I want to count number of occurrence of given pattern, but I want set my pattern above 7 digits of character, so the result should show only more than 7 characters. it means …

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Python Pandas Web Scraping

Python Pandas Web Scraping Question: I’m trying to turn a list of tables on this page into a Pandas DataFrame: I want to select the customer type box only and select one of the elements (from first to last) and then click find product to display the table for each one before concatenating all …

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Python – Selenium – Select Dropdown

Python – Selenium – Select Dropdown Question: I am trying to select a dropdown box. The code from the page is: <span class="sui-dropdown" tabindex="0" style="width: 150px;"> <select class="dropdown-soberanos-plazo" style="display: none;"> <option value="CI">CI</option><option value="24hs">24hs</option> <option value="48hs">48hs</option> </select> <span class="sui-input sui-unselectable" unselectable="on">48hs</span> <span class="sui-caret-container sui-unselectable" unselectable="on"> <span class="sui-caret sui-unselectable" unselectable="on"> </span></span></span> I tried the next code, but …

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How do I select certain columns from Python?

How do I select certain columns from Python? Question: I must be doing a very basic mistake. I am trying to select only certain columns from a dataframe, dropping the na rows. I also am supposed to reset the row index after removing the rows. This is what my dataset looks like CRIM ZN INDUS …

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How to select an item from a list in python

How to select an item from a list in python Question: I am have a list as shown Employees=[‘Harry Grapes’,’Marg Plum’,’Monica Nguyen’] I would like to create a selection feature that allows the user to select the Employee on a menu. Something like: Please select the employee Harry Marg Monica If they type 1 it …

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