
How to check if python file is already running?

How to check if python file is already running? Question: I am working on client-server project using Tkinter GUI, and I want to check if is running before I am running file. for example: I want to run the Client().runGUI() line only if is running, else I want to print an message …

Total answers: 1

python servers send specific info from post requests

python servers send specific info from post requests Question: I create a simple server in and I’m able get people post information from client but not able to send specific data to client from my server. I also have a domain name, and this only works for IPV6. website code( server import socket import …

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Create a script to read a line in excel and place on CMD

Create a script to read a line in excel and place on CMD Question: Soo, i’m a IT Intern in a Company, and we need to transfer some data from a server to another by CMD commands like: "C:/Source" "D:/Target" /commands …. And we are doing that to move from a old server to a …

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How to run Django project in background

How to run Django project in background Question: Recent I am running Django project on terminal using this command: python runserver But Server is stopped by closing terminal, So I need to run server in background. How can I solve this issue? Asked By: Victor || Source Answers: You can use the nohup …

Total answers: 4

Scrapy response is an Invalid/Unknown String

Scrapy response is an Invalid/Unknown String Question: Good day, I’m having some issues with a scrapy script I wrote. The code works perfectly on my local machine, but when I run it on an ubuntu server, I’m getting response like this cx00�^x00@6Us�e�yV�x17~J��’x1d$B2c�����5��F8x10��M#[�(nxm��C���p�x05R [��x00x02v`,/�x00��˛��Pv�p+ �1rgq�p��x15��x18�/��x01mQ Response code is ok. But the text is the above unreadable …

Total answers: 1

Python socket server read multi command of client

Python socket server read multi command of client Question: I created a socket server to read the commands from a socket client. In client side, I send ABC and then DEF, in server side, each time I received ABC or DEF from client, the server will send back to client OK. Server import socket import …

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Count HTTP connections when using BaseHTTPRequestHandler

Count HTTP connections when using BaseHTTPRequestHandler Question: I have an HTTP Server like this from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer from datetime import datetime import datetime as dt numberOfTests = 1 timestamp = class S(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def formatResponse(self, vhod): global numberOfTests, timestamp timestamp = if (numberOfTests == 1): print("Test "+str(numberOfTests)+" has started") numberOfTests =+ 1 …

Total answers: 2

Dryscrape "Can Not Find XVFB" Error on Nginx & Ubuntu Server 18.04

Dryscrape "Can Not Find XVFB" Error on Nginx & Ubuntu Server 18.04 Question: I need a help about Dryscrape and XVFB. I’m using Dryscrape on my Flask application for web scraping from a javascript page. If I serve it with python3 and the app config"") everything works great at port 5000. But I …

Total answers: 1