
Open XML document protection implementation (documentProtection class)

Open XML document protection implementation (documentProtection class) Question: I’m trying to implement the Open XML documentProtection hash protection of a MS Word (2019) document in Python to test the hashing algorithm. So I’ve created a Word document, protected it against editing with this password: johnjohn. Then, opening the document as ZIP/XML, I see the following …

Total answers: 1

How to get Bitcoin address from pubkey_hash?

How to get Bitcoin address from pubkey_hash? Question: I’m using: to import the blockchain into a mysql DB it is almost done after 5 days. So I started looking at the data and didn’t see any addresses. I know the BTC client doesn’t use those, but it still would be nice to have them …

Total answers: 2

Hashing in SHA512 using a salt? – Python

Hashing in SHA512 using a salt? – Python Question: I have been looking through ths hashlib documentation but haven’t found anything talking about using salt when hashing data. Help would be great. Asked By: RadiantHex || Source Answers: Salting isn’t a magical process that the library needs to help you with—it’s just additional data provided …

Total answers: 7