
batch_distance.cpp:274: error: (-215:Assertion failed)

batch_distance.cpp:274: error: (-215:Assertion failed) Question: ` I have the following code : import cv2 import os from os import listdir import numpy as np from PIL import Image from tabulate import tabulate import itertools #sift sift = cv2.SIFT_create() #feature matching bf = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_L2, crossCheck=True) # get the path/directory folder_dir = "./runs/myDetect/SIFT" col_names = [] data …

Total answers: 1

How Iterate each element row and compare with another elements in row

How Iterate each element row and compare with another elements in row Question: I have to fetch the values from CSV within my local machine and iterate each element and compare them with each element of another row. My CSV is stored in my Local C drive and read the value, now I need help …

Total answers: 1

Is there a way to run OpenCV's SIFT faster?

Is there a way to run OpenCV's SIFT faster? Question: I have a directory of images that contains many unidentified duplicates. My goal is to identify the duplicates. Because the duplicates have been cropped, resized, or converted to a different image format, they cannot be detected by comparing their hashes. I wrote a script that …

Total answers: 2

Detect more than 1 object on picture

Detect more than 1 object on picture Question: I wrote a little script which let to find an object in a global picture by the SIFT descriptors method. But I have a question about multiple detections in the same picture. I have this global picture : I have this template : My script looks like …

Total answers: 3

Opencv 3.0 – module object has no attribute 'xfeatures2d'

Opencv 3.0 – module object has no attribute 'xfeatures2d' Question: I have shifted from OpenCV 2.4.9 to 3.0 to make use of drawMatches and drawMatchesKnn function. I came to know that it does not come along with non-free algorithms like SIFT , SURF. So I installed opencv_contrib from by following steps cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=/home/zealous/Downloads/opencv_contrib-master/modules /usr/local …

Total answers: 1

Can't use SURF, SIFT in OpenCV

Can't use SURF, SIFT in OpenCV Question: I’m trying a simple thing like detector = cv2.SIFT() and get this bad error detector = cv2.SIFT() AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘SIFT’ I do not understand that because cv2 is installed. cv2.__version__ is $Rev: 4557 $ My system is Ubuntu 12.04. Maybe someone has got the …

Total answers: 22