
Meaning behind 'thefuzz' / 'rapidfuzz' similarity metric when comparing strings

Meaning behind 'thefuzz' / 'rapidfuzz' similarity metric when comparing strings Question: When using thefuzz in Python to calculate a simple ratio between two strings, a result of 0 means they are totally different while a result of 100 represents a 100% match. What do intermediate results mean? Does a result of 82, say, mean that …

Total answers: 2

Please tell me how to fill an empty matrix with elements using for loop

Please tell me how to fill an empty matrix with elements using for loop Question: I am a beginner who is studying bioinformatics with scanpy these days. I am trying to improve so any help is very welcome, thanks lot! ##This lists contains gene names. Angio=[‘ADAM17′,’AXIN1′,’AXIN2′,’CCND2′,’DKK1′,’DKK4’] Hypoxia=[‘ADAM17′,’AXIN1′,’DLL1′,’FZD8′,’FZD1’] Infla=[‘DLL1′,’FZD8′,’CCND2′,’DKK1′,’ADAM17′,’JAG2′,’JAG1’] Glycolysis=[‘MYC’,’NKD1′,’PPARD’,’JAG2′,’JAG1′] Oxophos=[‘SKP2′,’TCF7′,’NUMB’] P53=[‘NUMB’,’FZD8′,’CCND2′,’AXIN2′,’KAT2A’] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[‘Angio’, ‘Hypoxia’, …

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Compare each string with all other strings in a dataframe

Compare each string with all other strings in a dataframe Question: I have this dataframe: mylist = [ "₹67.00 to Rupam Sweets using Bank Account XXXXXXXX5343<br>11 Feb 2023, 20:42:25", "₹66.00 to Rupam Sweets using Bank Account XXXXXXXX5343<br>10 Feb 2023, 21:09:23", "₹32.00 to Nagori Sajjad Mohammed Sayyed using Bank Account XXXXXXXX5343<br>9 Feb 2023, 07:06:52", "₹110.00 to …

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'float' object is not iterable", 'occurred at index 1'

'float' object is not iterable", 'occurred at index 1' Question: i have for the following dataset company_name_Ignite Mate Bence Raul Marina 01 TELECOM LTD NaN 01 Telecom, Ltd. 01 Telecom, Ltd. NaN 0404 Investments Ltd NaN 0404 INVESTMENTS LIMITED 0404 INVESTMENTS LIMITED NaN I have got a custom function that compares the Mate, Bence, Raul …

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Iterating over 2 columns and comparing similarities in Python

Iterating over 2 columns and comparing similarities in Python Question: I have a DF that looks like this: Row Account_Name_HGI company_name_Ignite 1 00150042 plc WAGON PLC 2 01 telecom, ltd. 01 TELECOM LTD 3 0404 investments limited 0404 Investments Ltd what I am trying to do is to iterate through the Account_Name_HGI and the company_name_Ignite …

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Create API with Flask that receives 2 strings and returns the similarity between them with spacy

Create API with Flask that receives 2 strings and returns the similarity between them with spacy Question: I have this code that compute the similarity between 2 strings: import spacy from import sentences X ="some string 1" Y ="some string 2" nlp = spacy.load(‘pt_core_news_sm’) X_nlp = nlp(X) Y_nlp = nlp(Y) token_x = [token.text for …

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pandas: calculatig average similarity across all categories

pandas: calculatig average similarity across all categories Question: I have a dataframe like the following but larger: import pandas as pd data = {‘First’: [‘First value’,’Third value’,’Second value’,’First value’,’Third value’,’Second value’], ‘Second’: [‘the old man is here’,’the young girl is there’, ‘the old woman is here’,’the young boy is there’,’the young girl is here’,’the old …

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How can I calculate the Jaccard Similarity of two lists containing strings in Python?

How can I calculate the Jaccard Similarity of two lists containing strings in Python? Question: I have two lists with usernames and I want to calculate the Jaccard similarity. Is it possible? This thread shows how to calculate the Jaccard Similarity between two strings, however I want to apply this to two lists, where each …

Total answers: 9

Interpreting negative Word2Vec similarity from gensim

Interpreting negative Word2Vec similarity from gensim Question: E.g. we train a word2vec model using gensim: from gensim import corpora, models, similarities from gensim.models.word2vec import Word2Vec documents = [“Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications”, “A survey of user opinion of computer system response time”, “The EPS user interface management system”, “System and human system …

Total answers: 3