
positioning ipywidget slider to the side of a figure

positioning ipywidget slider to the side of a figure Question: I am new to ipywidget. I am using an ipywidget slider to change images in a matplotlib figure. However I would like to change the position of the slider to put it next to the image. I’ve already looked for similar questions but none satisfies …

Total answers: 1

Pyplot slider not updating plot lines in Jupyter Notebook

Pyplot slider not updating plot lines in Jupyter Notebook Question: I am trying to use the 4th order Runge-Kutta method to approximate the solution to a system of 1st order ODEs. The RK4 implementation itself is correct I think, if kind of janky – the plots it produces look like the right shape anyway – …

Total answers: 2

Why orientation parameter doesn't exists in Slider?

Why orientation parameter doesn't exists in Slider? Question: Hi have this small code for practice using CustomTkinter, reading the official documentation for a vertical slider i need to write orientation = ‘vertical’ but when i run the code Py charm says "_tkinter.TclError: unknown option "-orientation", how is possible that orientation isn’t a parameter? I can’t …

Total answers: 1

How to Combine a Slider with a Drop Down for Plotly Choropleth?

How to Combine a Slider with a Drop Down for Plotly Choropleth? Question: How do I combine a slider and button/drop down in a choropleth to work correctly? I am trying to create a choropleth of US states where the colors represent median home sale price for a given date, slider, and property type, drop …

Total answers: 1

Plotly – how to overlay two plots in same figure with slider

Plotly – how to overlay two plots in same figure with slider Question: Aim: Having two scatter plots in the same figure while using a slider in Plotly. Expected behavior: Show a figure with two plots updating simultaneously and sharing the same "slider step". Current behavior: The slider steps over both scatter plots, separating them …

Total answers: 1