
No resources of this type found under this subscription Azure Logic Apps

No resources of this type found under this subscription Azure Logic Apps Question: I tried to create a workflow using Azure Logic Apps, I used Recurrence as my trigger (Daily) and Azure Function (Timer Trigger) as my Process to create some dataframe and export to csv, and both of them Dataframe, and CSV file need …

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smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, even when I created an application password (Python)?

smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError, even when I created an application password (Python)? Question: I’ve been researching for days on Stack Overflow on how to send an email via Gmail using smtplib. I’ve finally got the gist of what I’m supposed to do, if I don’t want to turn on "Less secure app access." I’ve switched to using two-step …

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Amazon SES failure with smtp retcode 250

Amazon SES failure with smtp retcode 250 Question: I try to send email with amazon SES API docs below, and python return the code 250 meaing OK but my email got a failure message. Could anyone kindly tell me what maybe the problem? thank you python: import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import …

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Please how do I fix this SMTPConnectError Error?

Please how do I fix this SMTPConnectError Error? Question: I am trying to send an email to a user to verify his/her account via an activation link, however when I try to register a user I get the error below. I tried using the send_mail method but it still gives the same error. Please any …

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Why when I compile I get username and password are not accepted?

Why when I compile I get username and password are not accepted? Question: Here is the code that I want to compile from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.image import MIMEImage from email.mime.text import MIMEText import smtplib def send_mail(email, password, text): server = smtplib.SMTP_SSL("") server.login(email, password) server.sendmail(email, email, text) text = msg.as_string() server.quit() f = open("c1.png") …

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I'm trying to send an email from Django using Gmail SMTP

I'm trying to send an email from Django using Gmail SMTP Question: I’ve set insecure source ON in my account’s setting. Also, this is my file. Can anybody help me? EMAIL_BACKEND = ‘django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend’ EMAIL_HOST = ‘ ‘ EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_PORT = 587 EMAIL_HOST_USER =’ my email’ EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = ‘my password’ and I’m getting …

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Getting error: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server Python3

Getting error: SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server Python3 Question: when I test below code with server = smtplib.SMTP(‘’) it works fine. But when I change SMTP server to server = smtplib.SMTP(‘ 25’) – it gives me an error. This SMTP does not require any password. So what am I missing here? import smtplib …

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How to read email using python and smtplib

How to read email using python and smtplib Question: Found a lot of examples how to send mail, but how can I read inbox? For example yandex. import smtplib as smtp email = “[email protected]” password = “password” server = smtp.SMTP_SSL(‘’) server.set_debuglevel(1) server.ehlo(email) server.login(email, password) server.auth_plain() # server.get_and_print_your_inbox_magic_method() server.quit() Asked By: Rasul || Source Answers: The …

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How to set up Airflow Send Email?

How to set up Airflow Send Email? Question: I followed online tutorial to set up Email SMTP server in airflow.cfg as below: [email] email_backend = [smtp] # If you want airflow to send emails on retries, failure, and you want to use # the function, you have to configure an # smtp server …

Total answers: 3

What is the proper way to ACTUALLY SEND mail from (Python) code?

What is the proper way to ACTUALLY SEND mail from (Python) code? Question: Disclaimer: I hesitated on the title, due to the broad nature of this question (see below), other options included: How to send a mail from localhost, using Python code only? How to send email from Python code, without usage of external SMTP …

Total answers: 2