
Python: Convert dataframe into a payload using custom-made SOAP-Envelope/xml format

Convert dataframe into a payload using custom-made SOAP-Envelope? Question: I have a Python project where I am supposed to convert my dataframe into a payload for POST API hit (on a SAP server). This payload must be in a particular format/SOAP Envelope which I received using the WSDL URL. I need help in framing the …

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SOAP, How to get data from secound service

SOAP, How to get data from secound service Question: Im try to take data from API with SOAP. Everything works, but i have 2 Services on that API. First one is for test, and it works. But data its ‘hiden’ on secound. How can i get there? I use zeep. Asked By: Adam Fatyga || …

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Spyne/Python/Soap. Add xsi:type to AnyDict

Spyne/Python/Soap. Add xsi:type to AnyDict Question: Im using Spyne & I try to add xsi_type="xsd:string" to my AnyDict result in response . Now i have this one: <soap11env:Envelope __out_header__ = EntryObject @rpc( AnyDict, _out_message_name = ‘ERespons’, _out_variable_name = ‘EResponsRecord’, _returns=AnyDict ) def AddEntry(ctx, data): data = get_object_as_dict(data) try : res = return res …

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FuelSDK: use get() to pull salesforce items into a dataframe

FuelSDK: use get() to pull salesforce items into a dataframe Question: I’m attempting to use Salesforce FuelSDK to pull audit items (i.e. click events, unsub events, bounce events, etc.) from our client’s Marketing Cloud. I’m sure this is down to my inexperience with APIs, but although I’m able to get a success code from "get()", …

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How to iterate throught parameters of a soap protocol

How to iterate throught parameters of a soap protocol Question: I try to make a loop on a function that contains the get method on soap protocol to have the list of ActionList that have appointments at the workshop. here is the code I managed to do : def get_xml(): for iddms in [‘7′,’16’,’15’,’10’,’25’,’8′,’11’,’12’,’14’,’13’]: for …

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Sending a raw XML request to a SOAP service with Zeep (trying to duplicate an argument)

Sending a raw XML request to a SOAP service with Zeep (trying to duplicate an argument) Question: I am able to send a simple SOAP request with Zeep. with client.settings(strict=False): resp = client.service.demandeFicheProduit(, motDePasse=self.yyy, ean13s=”foo”, multiple=False) However, I need to give multiple times the ean13s argument, which is not possible in a Python function …

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python zeep: send un-escaped xml as content

python zeep: send un-escaped xml as content Question: I think what I am trying to do is pretty much like github issue in zeep repo — but sadly there is no response to this issue yet. I researched suds and installed and tried — did not even get sending parameter to work and thought zeep …

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How to parse SOAP XML with Python?

How to parse SOAP XML with Python? Question: Goal: Get the values inside <Name> tags and print them out. Simplified XML below. <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <soap:Envelope > <soap:Body> <GetStartEndPointResponse > <GetStartEndPointResult> <Code>0</Code> <Message /> <StartPoints> <Point> <Id>545</Id> <Name>Get Me</Name> <Type>sometype</Type> <X>333</X> <Y>222</Y> </Point> <Point> <Id>634</Id> <Name>Get me too</Name> <Type>sometype</Type> <X>555</X> <Y>777</Y> </Point> </StartPoints> </GetStartEndPointResult> </GetStartEndPointResponse> …

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Sending SOAP request using Python Requests

Sending SOAP request using Python Requests Question: Is it possible to use Python’s requests library to send a SOAP request? Asked By: Deepankar Bajpeyi || Source Answers: It is indeed possible. Here is an example calling the Weather SOAP Service using plain requests lib: import requests url=”” #headers = {‘content-type’: ‘application/soap+xml’} headers = {‘content-type’: ‘text/xml’} …

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Create python soap server based on wsdl

Create python soap server based on wsdl Question: I have an wsdl file describing the communication server-client on a Java product. I’m implementing a new server based on Python that will implement the same services. Do you know of any method to create the Python server code based on the wsdl, that does not requires …

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