Python socket io client does'n accept connection but node client does

Python socket io client does'n accept connection but node client does Question: There is a node sever and I want to perform a socket connection with my client. I can connect with node but python version doesn’t connect. what is wrong with python version? const io = require(‘’); const socket = io("wss://", { auth: { …

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How to receive entire data comming from server in python socket

How to receive entire data comming from server in python socket Question: I am Using Python socket lib, i want to receive the entire data coming from server i have tried using loops but it stucking after reading the data. def readReply(self): recv_data = b” while True: data = self.client_socket.recv(1024) if data: recv_data += data …

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Socket.IO https/ssl in iOS and Python App Engine

Socket.IO https/ssl in iOS and Python App Engine Question: I’ve built an GCP App Engine service in Python 3.7 using Flask and an iOS app in Swift.. the apps are using Socket.IO to connect and transfer data. Everything works great with a local deployment, however when deploying to GCP the SocketIO connection is never upgraded …

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The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols Error

The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols Error Question: I’m trying to run a client an server in python using flask_socketio, socketIO_client and SOCKET.IO in a raspberry pi 4 but I’m getting the following error: The client is using an unsupported version of the Socket.IO or Engine.IO protocols (further …

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Swift compatible version with server python-socketio

Swift compatible version with server python-socketio Question: I’ve searched couple of days for it but found nothing to fix this issue. My client is an iOS device running v15.2.0 (Oct 17, 2019). I’ve followed this post (Implement a WebSocket Using Flask and Socket-IO(Python)) That post described how to connect to the python socket …

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App engine, Flask-Socketio server Cors_Allowed_Origins header is missing

App engine, Flask-Socketio server Cors_Allowed_Origins header is missing Question: When I try to send a request from the client to my socketio flask server that is deployed on app engine I recieve the following error: has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. I did put the following …

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(flask + socket.IO) Result of emit callback is the response of my REST endpoint

(flask + socket.IO) Result of emit callback is the response of my REST endpoint Question: Just to give a context here, I’m a node.JS developer, but I’m on a project that I need to work with Python using Flask framework. The problem is, when a client request to an endpoint of my rest flask app, …

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Private chat with flask-socketio

Private chat with flask-socketio Question: I’m developing a webapp for a personal assistant. While a user is connected to the site, I want them to be able to subscribe to their personal notifications while they’re online. I went about doing this with socketio and flask socketio and I thought that I could just use multithreading, …

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Python – Flask-SocketIO send message from thread: not always working

Python – Flask-SocketIO send message from thread: not always working Question: I am in the situation where I receive a message from the client. Within the function that handles that request (@socketio.on) I want to call a function where some heavy work is done. This should not result in blocking the main thread and the …

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