
Handle spaces in argparse input

Handle spaces in argparse input Question: Using python and argparse, the user could input a file name with -d as the flag. parser.add_argument(“-d”, “–dmp”, default=None) However, this failed when the path included spaces. E.g. -d C:SMTHNGName with spacesMOREfile.csv NOTE: the spaces would cause an error (flag only takes in ‘C:SMTHNGName’ as input). error: unrecognized arguments: …

Total answers: 7

How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python?

How do I convert a list into a string with spaces in Python? Question: How can I convert a list into a space-separated string in Python? For example, I want to convert this list: my_list = ["how", "are", "you"] into the string "how are you". The spaces are important. I don’t want to get "howareyou". …

Total answers: 6

How do you import a file in python with spaces in the name?

How do you import a file in python with spaces in the name? Question: Do I have to take out all the spaces in the file name to import it, or is there some way of telling import that there are spaces? Asked By: lilfrost || Source Answers: You should take the spaces out of …

Total answers: 4

How to strip all whitespace from string

How to strip all whitespace from string Question: How do I strip all the spaces in a python string? For example, I want a string like strip my spaces to be turned into stripmyspaces, but I cannot seem to accomplish that with strip(): >>> ‘strip my spaces’.strip() ‘strip my spaces’ Asked By: wrongusername || Source …

Total answers: 14

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent Question: I decided, that I learn a bit of Python. The first introduction says that it uses indentation to group statements. While the best habit is clearly to use just one of these what happens if I interchange them? How many spaces will be considered equal to …

Total answers: 7