
HTTP Request Code 206 Spotify Server Error

HTTP Request Code 206 Spotify Server Error Question: I am trying to get the user authorization code for the authentication flow. When sending the get request with Python and requests I have two dictionaries for headers and params, yet I get the 206 response and server error. I have all the mandatory parameters and header …

Total answers: 1

Spotipy (sp.track() specifically) takes too long to run

Spotipy (sp.track() specifically) takes too long to run Question: I am trying to extract the release data, explicit flag and popularity score of approximately 18,000 songs. I want to append these results to my data frame Initially, I tried this. – for i,track in enumerate(df[‘uri’]): release_dates.append(sp.track(track)[‘album’][‘release_date’]) But I took too long to run, so I …

Total answers: 1