
StableBaselines creating a model segmentation fault

StableBaselines creating a model segmentation fault Question: I am getting a segmentation fault when trying to create a stable_baselines3 PPO model on a CartPole-v1 OpenAI Gym environment. So far what I’ve tried is running a short example code on Python 3.10 as well as Python 3.9. I’m running the python script in a Conda environment. …

Total answers: 1

Can't import VecFrameStackFrame from Stable-baselines3 – importing problem

Can't import VecFrameStackFrame from Stable-baselines3 – importing problem Question: I have a problem when importing some dependencies from stable baselines 3 library, I installed it with this command pip install stable-baselines3[extra] But When I import my dependencies import gym from stable_baselines3 import A2C from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecFrameStackFrame from stable_baselines3.common.evaluation import evaluate_policy from stable_baselines3.common.env_util import make_atari_env …

Total answers: 1

Stable-Baselines3 log rewards

Stable-Baselines3 log rewards Question: How can I add the rewards to tensorboard logging in Stable Baselines3 using a custom environment? I have this learning code model = PPO( "MlpPolicy", env, learning_rate=1e-4, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=1, tensorboard_log="./tensorboard/") Asked By: Mario || Source Answers: As by their documentation you can log arbitrary values by creating your own callback: import …

Total answers: 3