
Resize any image to 512 x 512

Resize any image to 512 x 512 Question: I am trying to train a stable diffusion model, which receives 512 x 512 images as inputs. I am downloading the bulk of images from the web, and they have multiple sizes and shapes, and so I need to preprocess them and convert to 512 x 512. …

Total answers: 1

Error Initalizing Stable diffusion with python 3.10.6. 'str' object has no attribute 'isascii'

Error Initalizing Stable diffusion with python 3.10.6. 'str' object has no attribute 'isascii' Question: I’m trying to set Up Stable Diffusion 1.5 from GIT I’ve followed a tutorial To avoid problems with multiple python versions I’ve removed older Python version and installed only Python 3.10.6, then only 3.10.9, but I receive the same …

Total answers: 1

Running Stable Diffusion in FastAPI Container Does Not Release GPU Memory

Running Stable Diffusion in FastAPI Container Does Not Release GPU Memory Question: I am running Stable Diffusion in a FastAPI Docker container. It runs fine, but after doing multiple inference calls, I noticed the vRAM of the GPU becomes full and the inference fails. It is as if the memory is not released right after …

Total answers: 1