
How can I create a multiindex matrix from a 4D xarray dataset?

How can I create a multiindex matrix from a 4D xarray dataset? Question: I currently have a 4D dataset ds in xarray that looks like this: <xarray.Dataset> Dimensions: (lat: 60, lon: 78, time: 216, pres: 395) Coordinates: * lat (lat) float32 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5 … 55.5 56.5 57.5 58.5 59.5 * lon …

Total answers: 1

How to stack columns to rows in Python?

How to stack columns to rows in Python? Question: For example, the data structrue is like below. import pandas as pd source={ ‘Genotype1’:["CV1","CV1","CV1","CV1","CV1"], ‘Grain_weight1’:[25,26,30,31,29], ‘Genotype2’:["CV2","CV2", "CV2","CV2","CV2"], ‘Grain_weight2′:[29,32,33,32,30] } df=pd.DataFrame(source, index=[1,2,3,4,5]) df and now I’d like to transpose two columns to rows like below. Could you let me know how to do that? Thanks, Asked By: …

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Filtering a numpy.dstack

Filtering a numpy.dstack Question: I have a dstack like this: import numpy as np a = np.array((1,2,6)) b = np.array((2,3,4)) c = np.array((8,3,0)) stack = np.dstack((a,b,c)) print(stack) #[[[1 2 8] #[2 3 3] #[6 4 0]]] and I want to filter out the lists where the 2 element is less then 1. Something like this: …

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Stack python function debugging issue

Stack python function debugging issue Question: I have implemented the stack in python code. class stack: arrlen = 0 def __init__(self,arr,poin): self.arr = arr self.poin = poin arrlen = len(self.arr) def push(obj): self.poin = (self.poin+1)%arrlen self.arr[self.poin] = obj def pop(): self.poin = (self.poin-1)%arrlen def printStack(): for i in range(self.poin): print("",self.arr[i]) print("n") I am try to …

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Reshaping a dataframe every nth column

Reshaping a dataframe every nth column Question: I have two datasets. After merging them horzontally, and sorting the columns with the following code, I get the dataset below: df= X Y 5.2 6.5 3.3 7.6 df_year= X Y 2014 2014 2015 2015 df_all_cols = pd.concat([df, df_year], axis = 1) sorted_columns = sorted(df_all_cols.columns) df_all_cols_sort = df_all_cols[sorted_columns] …

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python-CSV Multiple Columns with the same header into one column

python-CSV Multiple Columns with the same header into one column Question: I have a CSV file with company data with 22 rows and 6500 columns. The columns have the same names and I should get the columns with the same names stacked into individual columns according to their headers. I have now the data in …

Total answers: 2

Stacking column indices on top of one another using Pandas

Stacking column indices on top of one another using Pandas Question: I’m looking to stack the indices of some columns on top of one another, this is what I currently have: Buy Buy Currency Sell Sell Currency Date 2013-12-31 100 CAD 100 USD 2014-01-02 200 USD 200 CAD 2014-01-03 300 CAD 300 USD 2014-01-06 400 …

Total answers: 3