
From stat().st_mtime to datetime?

From stat().st_mtime to datetime? Question: What is the most idiomatic/efficient way to convert from a modification time retrieved from stat() call to a datetime object? I came up with the following (python3): from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from pathlib import Path path = Path(‘foo’) path.touch() statResult = path.stat() epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc) …

Total answers: 2

Is there anyway to modify stat information like mtime or ctime manually in Python or any language at all?

Is there anyway to modify stat information like mtime or ctime manually in Python or any language at all? Question: I am trying the following code: os.stat(path_name)[stat.ST_CTIME] = ctime However, this gives the following error: exceptions.TypeError: ‘posix.stat_result’ object does not support item assignment Is there anyway to modify ctime? Thanks! Asked By: Dagvadorj || Source …

Total answers: 4