
StereoVision System with OpenCv, disparity and depth map PYTHON

StereoVision System with OpenCv, disparity and depth map PYTHON Question: I am working on a StereoVision project. I set up my stereo camera, shot a picture (it’s 2 parallel matrix cameras), then I read the openCV documentation, tried out the examples and other datasets and it seems like it is working just fine. On the …

Total answers: 2

OpenCV – Depth map from Uncalibrated Stereo System

OpenCV – Depth map from Uncalibrated Stereo System Question: I’m trying to get a depth map with an uncalibrated method. I can obtain the fundamental matrix by finding correspondent points with SIFT and then using cv2.findFundamentalMat. I then use cv2.stereoRectifyUncalibrated to get the homography matrices for each image. Finally I use cv2.warpPerspective to rectify and …

Total answers: 2