
Create a partial pdf from bytes in python

Create a partial pdf from bytes in python Question: I have a pdf file somewhere. This pdf is being send to the destination in equal amount of bytes (apart from the last chunk). Let’s say this pdf file is being read in like this in python: with open(filename, ‘rb’) as file: chunk = while …

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Optimal way of storing stream content on disk using Python

Optimal way of storing stream content on disk using Python Question: I’d like to stream data directly to disk. One way of doing that is simply to read data and write to file, but I also want to minimalize RAM usage. with open("dummy.source", "br") as out, open("dummy.copy", "bw") as in_: in_.write( # this causes reading …

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Twitter API v2 and Tweepy, how to get tweet author for streamed tweets?

Twitter API v2 and Tweepy, how to get tweet author for streamed tweets? Question: I am trying to filter out tweets that include a specific hashtag, which works great, I can even display the text. But additionally, I want to print the user_screenname or author name. But it seems like my class can only display …

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Python selenium function return True If image exists in page

Python selenium function return True If image exists in page Question: I’m trying to do something with live streams on social media and when someone send a gift to streamer I want to know what gift is that so I need a function which is returns True when the selected gift .png exists in page. …

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How to pass video stream from one Python to another?

How to pass video stream from one Python script to another? Question: In my previous post, we found a way to pass an image file from one Python script to another: pass video data from one python script to another I am now trying to pass a video (successive images): import sys import numpy …

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python gRPC client disconnect while server streaming response

python gRPC client disconnect while server streaming response Question: Good day, This is my first time posting so forgive me if I do something wrong with the post. I am trying to get a subscription type service running, which works fine up until the client disconnects. Depending on the timing, this works fine or blocks …

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convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO

convert io.StringIO to io.BytesIO Question: original question: i got a StringIO object, how can i convert it into BytesIO? update: The more general question is, how to convert a binary (encoded) file-like object into decoded file-like object in python3? the naive approach i got is: import io sio = io.StringIO(‘wello horld’) bio = io.BytesIO(‘utf8’)) print( …

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Popen: redirect stderr and stdout to single stream

Popen: redirect stderr and stdout to single stream Question: I have created a Wrapper around the Spark-Submit command to be able to generate real time events by parsing the logs. The purpose is to create a Real Time interface showing detailed progress of a Spark Job. So the wrapper will look like this: submitter = …

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How to stream audio from a Youtube URL in Python (without download)?

How to stream audio from a Youtube URL in Python (without download)? Question: I have been trying to create a way to stream a youtube url (preferably audio only, although this doesn’t matter too much) right from python code. I have tried numerous things but none really seem to work. So far, I am able …

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Fixing, TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Fixing, TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str' Question: Streaming video from Raspberry Pi to using this code… [Edited based on Comments & Daniel] import numpy as np import cv2 import socket class VideoStreamingTest(object): def __init__(self): #self.server_socket = socket.socket() #self.server_socket.bind((‘’, 8081)) #self.server_socket.listen(0) #self.connection, self.client_address = self.server_socket.accept() #self.connection = self.connection.makefile(‘rb’) #self.streaming() self.socket = socket.socket() …

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