
What is the fastest and simplest way to remove "" from a string

What is the fastest and simplest way to remove "" from a string Question: when im parsing a lot of data with python and it can happen that some parts of the data contains strings/chars with , this can lead to problems when working with the data so my goal is minimize errors by removing …

Total answers: 1

Why does Python's rstrip remove more characters than expected?

Why does Python's rstrip remove more characters than expected? Question: According to the docs the function will strip that sequence of chars from the right side of the string. The expression ‘’.rstrip(‘/api’) should result in the string ‘’. Instead here is what we get in Python 3: >>> ‘’.rstrip(‘/api’) ‘https://odinultra.’ Asked By: Corneliu Maftuleac || …

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Remove leading spaces from strings in DataFrame column of lists

Remove leading spaces from strings in DataFrame column of lists Question: Assuming an existing df with a column containing lists of countries… x = df[‘Countries’][0] x [‘Australia’, ‘ Brazil’, ‘ Canada’, ‘ China’] We see that other than the first country, each next country has a leading space that is preventing a string comparison further …

Total answers: 3

Python to SQL using strip

Python to SQL using strip Question: gday I would like to know how to convert the following python script to sql and with its source file being a txt file Data = [ r[0: 2].strip(), # Column 1 r[2: 14].strip() # Column 2 ] I’ve loaded the txt file into a table with a single …

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value error string can not be converted to float?

value error string can not be converted to float? Question: import scrapy from scrapy import Field,Item from itemloaders.processors import TakeFirst,MapCompose def get_price(txt): value = txt.replace(‘1.359,20′,’1.359’) value = txt.replace(‘,’,’.’) value = txt.strip(‘1.499,00’) value = txt.strip(‘R$’) float(value) class MultilaserItem(scrapy.Item): # define the fields for your item here like: # name = scrapy.Field() title = Field(output_process=TakeFirst()) price = …

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Strip number characters from start of string in list

Strip number characters from start of string in list Question: my_list = [‘1. John’, ‘2. James’, ‘3. Mark’, ‘4. Mary’, ‘5. Helen’, ‘6. David’] I would like to remove the number that is a string, the "." and the white space before the name. for i in my_list: i.lstrip(". ") I was hoping the output …

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missing few lines to print

missing few lines to print Question: below is my code: output_dict = {} for item in show_vs: splitted = item.split(": ") if len(splitted) <= 1: continue output_dict[ splitted[0].strip() ] = splitted[1].strip() jsn = json.dumps(output_dict, indent=4) print(jsn) below is my data, the code prints only last 10 keys and its values in json format but it …

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Strip quotes and spaces from a variable

Strip quotes and spaces from a variable Question: I want to create a variable [Word] that contains a word from a list of letters but does not include any brackets, spaces or commas. Here’s where i have gotten to: Letters = ["u", "i", "p","a","o","g", "h","j","k","l","z","x","v","b"] FirstLetter = -1 SecondLetter = ‘o’ ThirdLetter = ‘a’ FourthLetter …

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Strip strings in pandas columns

Strip strings in pandas columns Question: I have a small dataframe with entries regarding motorsport balance of performance. I try to get rid of the string after "@" This is working fine with the code: for col in df_engine.columns[1:]: df_engine[col] = df_engine[col].str.rstrip(r"[ @ d.[0-9]+]") but is leaving last column unchanged, and I do not understand …

Total answers: 2

Put a new column inside a Dataframe Python

Put a new column inside a Dataframe Python Question: The Dataframe that I am working on it have a column called "Brand" that have a value called "SEAT " with the white space. I achieved to drop the white space but I don’t know how to put the new column inside the previous Dataframe. I …

Total answers: 2