
Pyright with multiple venv (monorepo)

Pyright with multiple venv (monorepo) Question: Got an issue with pyright on a monorepo: it didn’t recognize classes/functions imported from nearby projects/libraries (get a reportMissingImports). For instance, with this repo structure: . ├── library |   └── src |    └── ├── project1 |   └── src |   └── ├── project2 … └── pyproject.toml This …

Total answers: 1

Python code boilerplate generation/editing like in Sublime for VS Code

Python code boilerplate generation/editing like in Sublime for VS Code Question: In a Sublime .py file when you type the letter c you get a suggestion for a new class. Press Tab and you get with the multicursor adequately set. How do you do this in VS Code? The py plugin with IntelliSense only fills …

Total answers: 1

Support for Python and Django autocompletion in Sublime Text

Support for Python and Django autocompletion in Sublime Text Question: I have been using Pycharm for a while as only an editor for Python and Django development. I love its support for autocompletion. However, I don’t really use any of its IDE features, as I most frequently use my Mac terminal instead (eg for git). …

Total answers: 2

Can't send input to running program in Sublime Text

Can't send input to running program in Sublime Text Question: I’m trying to get Sublime Text 3 to run a Python script. A simple two liner var = raw_input("Enter something: ") print("You entered " + var) which asks for input, waits for it, then prints it out in windows console prompt. Seeing the number of …

Total answers: 5

Sublime Text 2 & 3 setup for python / django with code completion

Sublime Text 2 & 3 setup for python / django with code completion Question: I want to use an autocomplete plugin with sublime text for web development. I’m using django framework. I’ve looked into the following possible options. Not really a question, just for reference, I’ve added these here. The listing order represents popularity to …

Total answers: 3

How to determine path to php.exe on Windows – search default paths

How to determine path to php.exe on Windows – search default paths Question: I’m currently developing a couple of plugins for Sublime Text 2 on OS X and I would like to make them cross platform, meaning I have to find out if and where php.exe is installed. Right now I call /usr/bin/php in Python, …

Total answers: 6

What gui library is used by sublime text editor?

What gui library is used by sublime text editor? Question: I’ve downloaded an editor of sublimetext and I want to know what GUI library is used in there. The filenames of files that are in the editor executables directory are: bz2.pyd Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest msvcp90.dll msvcr90.dll PackageSetup.pyc pyexpat.pyd python26.dll select.pyd sublimeplugin.pyc sublimetext.exe unicodedata.pyd unins000.dat …

Total answers: 3