
Set TTL for Supervisor jobs

Set TTL for Supervisor jobs Question: I’ve been using Supervisor for over a year now to run 40 jobs on a project. Today, without any changes to the code or the server, two jobs got stuck, which caused some problems to the services I provide to my customers. These jobs are very light, written in …

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How to run gunicorn from a folder that is not the django project folder

How to run gunicorn from a folder that is not the django project folder Question: I git cloned a project in my home folder, let’s call it /home/telessaude. So the project root is located at /home/telessaude/telessaude_branch_master If I am inside the Django project home folder ( /home/telessaude/telessaude_branch_master ) and issue a gunicorn comman such as …

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Run a python script with supervisor

Run a python script with supervisor Question: I copied from here to run my Python code as a daemon. For extra uptime. I thought it would be a better Idea to use supervisor to keep this daemon running. I did this. python_deamon.conf [program:python_deamon] directory=/usr/local/python_deamon/ command=/usr/local/python_venv/bin/python start stderr_logfile=/var/log/gunicorn.log stdout_logfile=/var/log/gunicorn.log autostart=true autorestart=true The problem is that …

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supervisor – how to run multiple commands

supervisor – how to run multiple commands Question: I’m managing a Celery worker that processes queue via Supervisor. Here’s my /etc/supervisor/celery.conf: [program:celery] command = /var/worker/venv/bin/celery worker -A a_report_tasks -Q a_report_process –loglevel=INFO directory=/var/worker user=nobody numprocs=1 autostart=true autorestart=true startsecs=10 stopwaitsecs = 60 stdout_logfile=/var/log/celery/worker.log stderr_logfile=/var/log/celery/worker.log killasgroup=true priority=998 How do I add this second command to run? /var/worker/venv/bin/celery worker …

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How to add a delay to supervised process in supervisor – linux

How to add a delay to supervised process in supervisor – linux Question: I added a bottle server that uses python’s cassandra library, but it exits with this error: Bottle FATAL Exited too quickly (process log may have details) log shows this: File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cassandra/”, line 1765, in _reconnect_internal raise NoHostAvailable(“Unable to connect to any servers”, …

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supervisord for python 3?

supervisord for python 3? Question: Want to use supervisord to control the processes for my Python 3 project. It is specifically stated that “Supervisor is known to work with Python 2.4 or later but will not work under any version of Python 3”. Any suggestions for supervisor replacement for Python 3? Asked By: user2777473 || …

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Docker, Supervisord and logging – how to consolidate logs in docker logs?

Docker, Supervisord and logging – how to consolidate logs in docker logs? Question: So, experimenting with Docker + Supervisord + Django app via uWSGI. I have the whole stack working fine, but need to tidy up the logging. If I launch supervisor in non-daemon mode, /usr/bin/supervisord -n Then I get the logging output for supervisor …

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python supervisord program dependency

python supervisord program dependency Question: I have [program:A], [program:B] in my supervisord.conf B depend A, means: A should start before B. How to ensure this by supervisor? Asked By: Yueyoum || Source Answers: supervisord does not directly support dependencies. Your options instead are: Use priorities. Set priority for A to a low value and it’ll …

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supervisord logs don't show my output

supervisord logs don't show my output Question: I have a [program:x] running and it prints / sys.stdout.writes a lot of things. None of which comes up in either in the AUTO childlogdir of [supervisord] or in stdout_logfile of [program:x] Am I missing something? How do I capture all that is printed or stdout-ed from [program:x] …

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How to setup a group in supervisord?

How to setup a group in supervisord? Question: So I’m setting up supervisord and trying to control several processes and that all works fine, now I want to setup a group so I can start/stop different sets of processes rather than all or nothing. Here’s a snippet of my config file. [group:tapjoy] programs=tapjoy-game1,tapjoy-game2 [program:tapjoy-game1] command=python …

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