
Can not get DataFrame to pivot

Can not get DataFrame to pivot Question: Im am getting data from a tablue worksheet and passing it into a Pandas Data Frame i the need to Pivot the data to be in the needed format how ever does not seem to be changing when run C Week Measure Names NT Login Site Measure Values …

Total answers: 1

.Parquet to .Hyper file conversion for any schema

.Parquet to .Hyper file conversion for any schema Question: I want to convert parquet file to hyper file format using python. There is the following git for this – But in this case the parquet format /schema is known beforehand. What should I do if I want it to work for any parquet file, …

Total answers: 2

Connect Tableau to GCP Compute Instance running TabPy

Connect Tableau to GCP Compute Instance running TabPy Question: I want to connect Tableau to TabPy installed on GCP Compute Instance. For that purpose I created a Compute Instance with default settings. Then I assigned a static external IP address to that instance. In Tableau I am using an External Service Connection option: In the …

Total answers: 1