
Insert vertical line below tabs in tkinter.text

Insert vertical line below tabs in tkinter.text Question: I am creating a code editor as my project, and I think it is nice to have vertical lines under tabs so its easier for the coder. I want to draw a vertical line below tabs (I think the image below will be better to understand what …

Total answers: 1

Merge two list to create a table in a txt file in python

Merge two list to create a table in a txt file in python Question: I want to merger these two list in one list that should look like this : newlist = [‘Salle 13tBullet, Train Cartern’,’Salles 06t Sita Ramam, L’année du requinn’…] so each "salle" will have two names Here the two list needed to …

Total answers: 1

Close or Switch Tabs in Playwright/Python

Close or Switch Tabs in Playwright/Python Question: I’m doing an automation, at the time of download it opens a tab, sometimes it doesn’t close automatically, so how can I close a tab in playwright using python? Asked By: user19016544 || Source Answers: I managed to make a code that closes only a specific tab! all_pages …

Total answers: 2

List of open browser tabs programmatically

List of open browser tabs programmatically Question: Is there a way to programmatically obtain a list of open tabs in a browser by index? For example, suppose Google Chrome is open with two tabs. In the program, a line something like: tabs_list = list_tabs(hwnd) …where hwnd is the handle to the window for the overall …

Total answers: 3

How do I write a "tab" in Python?

How do I write a "tab" in Python? Question: Let’s say I have a file. How do I write “hello” TAB “alex”? Asked By: TIMEX || Source Answers: You can use t in a string literal: “hellotalex” Answered By: Knio It’s usually t in command-line interfaces, which will convert the char t into the whitespace …

Total answers: 7

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent Question: I decided, that I learn a bit of Python. The first introduction says that it uses indentation to group statements. While the best habit is clearly to use just one of these what happens if I interchange them? How many spaces will be considered equal to …

Total answers: 7