
How to print list vertical and not horizaontal with tabulate package?

How to print list vertical and not horizaontal with tabulate package? Question: I try to print the results of a list vertical. But they are at the moment display horizontal. So I try it as code: def extract_data_excel_combined(self): dict_fruit = {"Watermeloen": 3588.20, "Appel": 5018.75, "Sinaasappel": 3488.16} fruit_list = list(dict_fruit.values()) new_fruit_list = [] new_fruit_list.append((fruit_list)) columns = …

Total answers: 1

How to use tabulate library?

How to use tabulate library? Question: I am trying to use tabulate with the zip_longest function. So I have it like this: from __future__ import print_function from tabulate import tabulate from itertools import zip_longest import itertools import locale import operator import re 50 ="[‘INGBNL2A, VAT number: NL851703884B01 inTel, +31 (0}1 80 61 88 nnrut ard …

Total answers: 1

csv package parses each char as a row

csv package parses each char as a row Question: According to this answer it seems I can parse each row of a CSV file with csv.reader(data, delimiter=",", quotechar=’"’), so I made the following MWE (Minimal Working Example): #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import csv data = """ 1,"A towel,",1.0 42," it says, ",2.0 …

Total answers: 1

Python convert array of objects with k, v pairs into table

Python convert array of objects with k, v pairs into table Question: I’m looking for way to convert the beneath list of dicts into a table. From: arr = [{‘G’: ["Apple", "Banana"]}, {‘M’: ["Orange", "Kiwi"]}, {‘P’: ["Orange"]}, {‘MP’: ["All"]}] To: User Fruit G Apple, Banana M Orange, Kiwi P Orange MP All I’d also like …

Total answers: 1

tabulate counts of all values from all keys in list of dicts

tabulate counts of all values from all keys in list of dicts Question: I have a list like this: [{‘migs_ba’: ‘O’, ‘migs_eu’: ‘O’, ‘migs_org’: ‘O’, ‘migs_pl’: ‘O’, ‘migs_vi’: ‘O’, ‘mimag’: ‘EM’, ‘mimarks_c’: ‘O’, ‘mimarks_s’: ‘EM’, ‘mims’: ‘EM’, ‘misag’: ‘EM’, ‘miuvig’: ‘EM’}, {‘migs_ba’: ‘O’, ‘migs_eu’: ‘O’, ‘migs_org’: ‘O’, ‘migs_pl’: ‘O’, ‘migs_vi’: ‘O’, ‘mimag’: ‘EM’, ‘mimarks_c’: ‘O’, …

Total answers: 2