
Tee does not show output or write to file

Tee does not show output or write to file Question: I wrote a python script to monitor the statuses of some network resources, an infinite pinger if you will. It pings the same 3 nodes forever until it receives a keyboard interrupt. I tried using tee to redirect the output of the program to a …

Total answers: 1

Using tee to get realtime print statements from python

Using tee to get realtime print statements from python Question: I have a python script that looks something like this: for item in collection: print “what up” #do complicated stuff that takes a long time. In bash, I run this script by doing the following: $ python my.py | tee my_file.txt However, all I see …

Total answers: 1

linux tee is not working with python?

linux tee is not working with python? Question: I made a python script which communicates with a web server using an infinite loop. I want to log every communication data to a file and also monitor them from terminal at same time. so I used tee command like this. python client.py | tee logfile however, …

Total answers: 2

How to duplicate sys.stdout to a log file?

How to duplicate sys.stdout to a log file? Question: Edit: Since it appears that there’s either no solution, or I’m doing something so non-standard that nobody knows – I’ll revise my question to also ask: What is the best way to accomplish logging when a python app is making a lot of system calls? My …

Total answers: 19