
invalid tensorboard callback object

invalid tensorboard callback object Question: I am having difficulty getting tensorflow callback object working. after much experimentation i now believe my problem is in the creation of my model. the tutorial i followed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViO56ASqeks used tflearn, which is where mine is different from other peoples examples. I believe (maybe) the problem might be down to …

Total answers: 1

Stable-Baselines3 log rewards

Stable-Baselines3 log rewards Question: How can I add the rewards to tensorboard logging in Stable Baselines3 using a custom environment? I have this learning code model = PPO( "MlpPolicy", env, learning_rate=1e-4, policy_kwargs=policy_kwargs, verbose=1, tensorboard_log="./tensorboard/") Asked By: Mario || Source Answers: As by their documentation you can log arbitrary values by creating your own callback: import …

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How to dump confusion matrix using TensorBoard logger in pytorch-lightning?

How to dump confusion matrix using TensorBoard logger in pytorch-lightning? Question: The official doc only states >>> from pytorch_lightning.metrics import ConfusionMatrix >>> target = torch.tensor([1, 1, 0, 0]) >>> preds = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0, 0]) >>> confmat = ConfusionMatrix(num_classes=2) >>> confmat(preds, target) This doesn’t show how to use the metric with the framework. My attempt …

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How to kill tensorboard with Tensorflow2 (jupyter, Win)

How to kill tensorboard with Tensorflow2 (jupyter, Win) Question: sorry for the noob question, but how do I kill the Tensorflow PID? It says: Reusing TensorBoard on port 6006 (pid 5128), started 4 days, 18:03:12 ago. (Use ‘!kill 5128’ to kill it.) But I can not find any PID 5128 in the windows taks manager. …

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Tensorboard not found as magic function in jupyter

Tensorboard not found as magic function in jupyter Question: I want to run tensorboard in jupyter using the latest tensorflow 2.0.0a0. With the tensorboard version 1.13.1, and python 3.6. using … %tensorboard –logdir {logs_base_dir} I get the error : UsageError: Line magic function %tensorboard not found Do you have an idea what the problem could …

Total answers: 5

How are the new tf.contrib.summary summaries in TensorFlow evaluated?

How are the new tf.contrib.summary summaries in TensorFlow evaluated? Question: I’m having a bit of trouble understanding the new tf.contrib.summary API. In the old one, it seemed that all one was supposed to do was to run tf.summary.merge_all() and run that as an op. But now we have things like tf.contrib.summary.record_summaries_every_n_global_steps, which can be used …

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Tensorboard scalar plotting with epoch number on the horizontal axis

Tensorboard scalar plotting with epoch number on the horizontal axis Question: I am new to TensorFlow, and I recently started to play around a little bit with data visualization using Tensorboard. I was wondering if it is possible to convert the horizontal axis of the monitoring scalars (I monitor accuracy and loss on train and …

Total answers: 2

Launching Tensorboard – NameError: name 'tensorboard' is not defined

Launching Tensorboard – NameError: name 'tensorboard' is not defined Question: I’m attempting to launch tensorboard and view a graph I created. import tensorflow as tf logPath = “C:\path\to\log” — can also be /path/to/log sess = tf.Session() file_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logPath, sess.graph) This code runs fine and creates a event file in the proper folder, but when …

Total answers: 3