
How do you add pageup/pagedown keybindings to TextArea in python-prompt-toolkit?

How do you add pageup/pagedown keybindings to TextArea in python-prompt-toolkit? Question: Let’s use calculator.py for example. To add a scrollbar that works with the mouse wheel, you would change: output_field = TextArea(style="class:output-field", text=help_text) to: output_field = TextArea(style="class:output-field", text=help_text, scrollbar=True) But what would you add or change to scroll the TextArea with the page up and …

Total answers: 1

textarea to list

textarea to list Question: textarea returns this [u’arnbrncrndrne’] what is the best way to turn that into a list [‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e’] Thanks! Asked By: Zeynel || Source Answers: >>> L = [u’arnbrncrndrne’] >>> L[0].split(‘rn’) [u’a’, u’b’, u’c’, u’d’, u’e’] Answered By: mechanical_meat txtarea = "Thank you for the musicnWelcome to the jungle" …

Total answers: 2