
Syntax highlighting in Vscode for type hints

Syntax highlighting in Vscode for type hints Question: I am using the Dark++ theme but personalising a lot of colours. Everything works fine but one small thing: only the basic types are properly highlighted. For example this "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { "comments": "#707070", "keywords": "#adc5ee", "types": "#bbbbbb", "strings": "#bdceb7" } gives me the following picture: I would …

Total answers: 1

Toolbar not visible after setting jupyter notebook theme

Toolbar not visible after setting jupyter notebook theme Question: The toolbar and notebook name does not show when I call and load the themes from the notebook. I can load the themes from notebook using a code but I am not sure how to use the switches like -T and -N for call to toolbar …

Total answers: 8

After installing jupyter themes, notebooks and docker container no longer working

After installing jupyter themes, notebooks and docker container no longer working Question: I am running jupyter notebooks through a docker container. I have files, notebooks, etc within the container. I decide in class one day to attempt and install the jupyterthemes package because who doesn’t like more colors. I opened a new ipynb and followed …

Total answers: 2

How to change the Spyder editor background to dark?

How to change the Spyder editor background to dark? Question: I’ve just updated Spyder to version 3.1 and I’m having trouble changing the colour scheme to dark. I’ve been able to change the Python and iPython console’s to dark but the option to change the editor to dark is not where I would expect it …

Total answers: 17

Customize sphinxdoc theme

Customize sphinxdoc theme Question: Is there an easy way to customize the existing sphinxdoc theme? For the default theme, there are many theme-attributes, but in sphinxdoc I can’t even set a logo or change some colors. Or can you recommend me a site where I can learn how to modify themes? Asked By: Christian || …

Total answers: 4