
Is there a way to trick a lambda command to execute three functions in tkinter?

Is there a way to trick a lambda command to execute three functions in tkinter? Question: I basically have a lot of different canvases that are all consequent to the other in order to create a game-like study guide. I wrote all canvases in functions given that it is schoolwork and with the click of …

Total answers: 1

"help" function trouble in EDI Thonny

"help" function trouble in EDI Thonny Question: OS : macOS Monterey 12.4 but someone had same issue with Ubuntu EDI : Thonny Installation : by pip3 command to use my already installed Python interpreter 3.9 In the Thonny console: help(print) no output but python seems waiting for something as with the input function, I press …

Total answers: 2

Serial.serial is not working, thonny: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'

Serial.serial is not working, thonny: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial' Question: I just started with Ardunino, Python and a serial Communication between RPI and Ardunio (using Thonny). I checked out some tutorials (e.g to get my code run. But not even the standard code is running. That is my code: if __name__ == …

Total answers: 1