
Combobox not displaying (Tkinter)

Combobox not displaying (Tkinter) Question: Im trying to use a combobox in my program. To simplify my program, my main window uses an image as a background, and my buttons and entry boxes I wont include since they arent relavent. The code for my main window is: from tkinter.ttk import Combobox from tkinter.ttk import * …

Total answers: 1

How to add a tooltip to a customtkinter image (CTkImage)?

How to add a tooltip to a customtkinter image (CTkImage)? Question: I’m using tkinter-tooltip and when I try to add a tooltip to a button consisting of only an image, it says "NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘bind’". It works if I do text=" " but I don’t wanna make the text a space or …

Total answers: 1

How to update software made with python?

How to update software made with python? Question: Disclaimer: I am still learning and am new to python so I have less knowledge of python than most coders. I am making a simple desktop app and it is already in .exe file format. How can I send updates to people who have the app? I …

Total answers: 2

Tkinter Text Autofill

Tkinter Text Autofill Question: I am trying to make a simple and personal IDE for python using tkinter. I have seen it done before and have everything form syntax highlighting to a built in terminal but have the problem of no autofill. I know that you can have autofill in entry’s with many methods out …

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Tkinter – Geometry management

Tkinter – Geometry management Question: I see and saw a lot of questions for tkinter that quite often asks not about errors in their code, but asks how do I organize my GUI. So I would like to have an answer that focus on that and help beginners to orientate them a little bit. Asked …

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Python tkinter how to use grid sticky

Python tkinter how to use grid sticky Question: import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.state(‘zoomed’) text1 = tk.Text(state=tk.DISABLED) scroll = tk.Scrollbar(root, command=text1.yview) text1.configure(yscrollcommand=scroll.set) text1.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=’we’) scroll.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky="nse") root.mainloop() How do I make the Text box fill the X axis? (sticky=’we’ did not work for me) Asked By: yoav || Source Answers: import …

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How to change border color in tkinter widget?

How to change border color in tkinter widget? Question: I want to know how should I chnage border color of tkinter Label or Button , I put the releif in solid and the border color would be black . i have tried highlightthickness,highlightcolor,highlightbackground but it doesnt work here is a sample of my code : …

Total answers: 3

Python TK Notebook tab change check

Python TK Notebook tab change check Question: Newbie programmer here. I am building a tk based desktop app and ran into an issue: I have a main window with several stuff in it including two tabs: global nBook nBook = ttk.Notebook(self, name=”book”),y=400) frameOne = ttk.Frame(nBook, width=100, height=100) frameTwo = ttk.Frame(nBook, width=100, height=100) nBook.add(frameOne, text=’T1′) …

Total answers: 3