
Inserting a default value into tkinter Entry stops validation

Inserting a default value into tkinter Entry stops validation Question: I have been following the validation for Entry boxes from here. The code below is from the answer with the added condition that if the entered value is ‘Q’ then the program adds ‘test’ to the beginning of the Entry value. However once this value …

Total answers: 2

Background color for Tk in Python

Background color for Tk in Python Question: I’m writing a slideshow program with Tkinter, but I don’t know how to change the background color to black instead of the standard light gray. How can this be done? import os, sys import Tkinter import Image, ImageTk import time root = Tkinter.Tk() w, h = root.winfo_screenwidth(), root.winfo_screenheight() …

Total answers: 5

How do I get rid of Python Tkinter root window?

How do I get rid of Python Tkinter root window? Question: Do you know a smart way to hide or in any other way get rid of the root window that appears, opened by Tk()? I would like just to use a normal dialog. Should I skip the dialog and put all my components in …

Total answers: 8