
List running Jupyter notebooks and tokens

List running Jupyter notebooks and tokens Question: How do you check the login tokens for all running jupyter notebook instances? Example: you have a notebook running in tmux or screen permanently, and login in remotely through ssh. Sometimes, particularly if you’re logging in after a long time, the token is requested again in order to …

Total answers: 5

Tmux split window and activate a python virtualenv

Tmux split window and activate a python virtualenv Question: My favorite python developement environment is: One large left pan for vim Two small pans on the right for interactive consoles Each pan shoud run a python virtualenv (using virtualenvwrapper). So here is the list of commands I have to type to setup my environment: ➜ …

Total answers: 3

Powerline Installation Issues for Vim/Tmux on Mac OSX 10.10.5

Powerline Installation Issues for Vim/Tmux on Mac OSX 10.10.5 Question: I’ve tried multiple times to follow the installation instructions for Powerline outlined here, but no matter what I do, these status bar just doesn’t appear. I’m on Yosemite and trying to install Powerline for Vim with Tmux for a Python dev environment. Here’s my ~/.vimrc …

Total answers: 3