
Is it possible to use tox with conda-based Python installations?

Is it possible to use tox with conda-based Python installations? Question: The Python testing tool tox seems to be designed to work with virtualenv. Can it also work on conda/anaconda-based Python installations? Asked By: cmeeren || Source Answers: While tox can’t make use of conda, you can use conda to “install” different Python versions where …

Total answers: 5

Making py.test, coverage and tox work together: in tests folder?

Making py.test, coverage and tox work together: in tests folder? Question: I’m having a weird problem with tox, py.test, coverage and pytest-cov: when py.test with the –cov option is launched from tox, it seems to require an file in the tests folder which is not immediately obvious. While writing this post, I have …

Total answers: 2

How do I run tox in a project that has no

How do I run tox in a project that has no Question: I would like to use tox to run my unittests in two virtualenvs, since my application has to support 2 different Python versions. My problem is that tox requires a, but I have none since my application is not a module …

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How can tox install the modules via the requirements file?

How can tox install the modules via the requirements file? Question: Our python project has a requirements.txt file which lists some dependent module. We used to use pip install -r requirements.txt to install these dependencies. We are now using tox to build up the test environment. My question is that how can we install the …

Total answers: 4

Testing a python script in a specific version

Testing a python script in a specific version Question: I currently have Python 2.6.2 installed on my mac. I am writing a script which MUST run on Python 2.5.2. So I want to write a python script, and test is specifically against 2.5.2 and NOT 2.6.2. I was looking at virtualenv, but it doesn’t seem …

Total answers: 5