
Use tqdm with concurrent.futures?

Use tqdm with concurrent.futures? Question: I have a multithreaded function that I would like a status bar for using tqdm. Is there an easy way to show a status bar with ThreadPoolExecutor? It is the parallelization part that is confusing me. import concurrent.futures def f(x): return f**2 my_iter = range(1000000) def run(f,my_iter): with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as …

Total answers: 5

How to help tqdm figure out the total in a custom iterator

How to help tqdm figure out the total in a custom iterator Question: I’m implementing my own iterator. tqdm does not show a progressbar, as it does not know the total amount of elements in the list. I don’t want to use “total=” as it looks ugly. Rather I would prefer to add something to …

Total answers: 2

Python enumerate() tqdm progress-bar when reading a file?

Python enumerate() tqdm progress-bar when reading a file? Question: I can’t see the tqdm progress bar when I use this code to iterate my opened file: with open(file_path, ‘r’) as f: for i, line in enumerate(tqdm(f)): if i >= start and i <= end: print(“line #: %s” % i) for i in tqdm(range(0, line_size, batch_size)): …

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Python tqdm package – how to configure for less frequent status bar updates

Python tqdm package – how to configure for less frequent status bar updates Question: I’m using a tqdm package (v4.19.5) for a loop with 200K+ iterations in Python 3.6 (Anaconda 3, Windows 10 x64, PyCharm IDE). It prints the status bar too frequently, so that my earlier history disappears in the console. Is there a …

Total answers: 4

No module named 'tqdm'

No module named 'tqdm' Question: I am running the following pixel recurrent neural network (RNN) code using Python 3.6 import os import logging import numpy as np from tqdm import trange import tensorflow as tf from utils import * from network import Network from statistic import Statistic However, there was an error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module …

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Using tqdm progress bar in a while loop

Using tqdm progress bar in a while loop Question: I am making a code that simulates a pawn going around a monopoly board a million times. I would like to have a tqdm progress bar that is updated every time a turn around the board is achieved. Below is my current code. I am using …

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Using multiple bars

Using multiple bars Question: I would like to have two independent progress bars. This is a minimal example where if I use two bars they are not updated properly. Instead, new bars are created. import time from tqdm import * pbar1 = tqdm(total=100) pbar2 = tqdm(total=200) for i in range(10): pbar1.update(10) pbar2.update(20) time.sleep(1) When running …

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tqdm in Jupyter Notebook prints new progress bars repeatedly

tqdm in Jupyter Notebook prints new progress bars repeatedly Question: I am using tqdm to print progress in a script I’m running in a Jupyter notebook. I am printing all messages to the console via tqdm.write(). However, this still gives me a skewed output like so: That is, each time a new line has to …

Total answers: 12

tqdm show progress for a generator I know the length of

tqdm show progress for a generator I know the length of Question: I’m looping over a large file that I know the length of, but am processing lazily since it’s too large to fit in memory. I’d like to be able to use tqdm to keep track of my progress through the file, but since …

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Multiprocessing : use tqdm to display a progress bar

Multiprocessing : use tqdm to display a progress bar Question: To make my code more "pythonic" and faster, I use multiprocessing and a map function to send it a) the function and b) the range of iterations. The implanted solution (i.e., calling tqdm directly on the range tqdm.tqdm(range(0, 30))) does not work with multiprocessing (as …

Total answers: 10